Good morning. Aaron sat up in a chair yesterday for about two hours and stood up for about five minutes with the assistance of the physical therapists. He got his hair washed and Angie combed through it for him. He will need to have it buzz cut with in the next few days since some of the areas that are healing on his scalp have caused patches of hair to fall out. They have these little green sponge things on a stick that they dip in some kind of liquid that he uses to brush his teeth with. Hopefully today he will be able to take a shower.
Angie goes to the hospital first thing in the morning, around 9am and is with him all day until about 7pm. Feebly, I try to maintain Life At Home so head down to the hospital at around noon and try to leave before rush hour in the afternoon to get home to fix dinner. God bless the people that have to make these drives day in and day out five days a week. Today Kyle is coming down so I will stay home and catch up around here. This weekend Dana and Doug, and Mom and Dad will be down while Angie goes up north to see the kids.
Last night I started to get worried when it got past 7pm and Angie had not called to say she was on her way home. At about 7:20pm she called and said that Aaron had not slept and that she was worried about him so she had asked the nurse to check him out. They ran a blood test that came out good but Aaron did not want her to leave. As you can imagine it must be very unnerving to be lying in a bed unable to move or speak. She then taught him how to reach down and adjust his bead, gave him the buzzer to summon assistance and showed him how to put his finger over the opening of the treck so that if he needed to he could use his voice to call for assistance in an emergency. By that time it was about 8pm and it dawned on her that Valet parking closed at 7:30 so she had to get a guard to help her get her car out.
Hopefully, Aaron was able to get some rest last night. They kept asking him if he wanted something to help him sleep but he said no.
Aaron's room has a great view of down town. You can see Ford Field with the name on it, and to the right you can see Comerica Park. In the afternoon one of the nurses came in to look out the window and commented on the smoke coming from the city. We didn't hear any thing on the news about a fire. My fear is that the smoke may have come from fires built by the homeless in an attempt to keep warm in the freezing temperature that we have had recently. Please pray that these precious children of God that they find shelter from the cold.
Even through our trials we are so grateful for a warm soft place to lay our heads at night. Thank you Jesus and please hear our prayers for shelter from the cold for those who are without shelter.