Yesterday I finished wrapping the presents that we had at the house. Now I would like to crawl back into my cozy bed and relax the rest of the day but no such luck, there is always more to be done, isn't there?

When I took these pictures the dreaded, 'no more room on memory stick', message appeared on my camera. It is probably a blessing because it would have broken my heart to have run out of memory during all the Christmas festivities. So, instead of fretting I'm giving the glory to God for gently reminding me to add getting a new memory stick to my To Do list: finish stocking
stuffer's for five boys; one more fun thing for
SDIL ;); one more guy thing for
TSIL ;); pick up dry cleaning; wash and gas up the car; memory stick from Target, where I hope I can get most of the other things done too; pace around hoping that my LL Bean order, that has several gifts for above mentioned five boys, arrives before we have to leave to go up north to be with family tomorrow at noon; try and save enough time to get a
mani &
pedi; pick out and lay out clothes for four days of festivities for John and I. John has his company Christmas luncheon today and will go out with the guys after that so I will have a long day to fit everything in, hopefully even the mani & pedi.
Thank you Lord for giving me such a fun To Do list for today and please bless those who's to do list is not so fun. We have all had more of those lists than we like to think about so I'm thanking God for this fun one with all the gratitude I can muster!!!!! All glory and honor is yours dear heavenly Father.
Have a blessed day ladies!