We really understand that all of you have shared with us the tears, the fears, the uncertainty and the faith that we all held on to through out Aaron's battle with SJS/TENS. So many of you commented that Aaron was on your minds through out your days, just like he was on ours. Every day 400 or so of you stopped by this blog to check on his progress. You took such loving care of his children, left comments, wrote e-mails, you made sure his insurance needs were taken care of, sent cards, magazines, pictures, flip charts, alerted your churches and updated them on his progress so they could pray, you helped us get Aaron a bed in the hospital when we couldn't get him in any where, teachers had their classes praying, you came to the hospital even when we weren't there or when we were there and were totally out of it, Sunday school children made cards and their teachers sent them to Aaron in bundles, you picked up the slack for him at work, you rearranged meetings to accomodate the family, you made arrangements for the family to have lunch and parking passes at the hospital for six whole weeks, you sent plants, you plowed snow, you looked up Bible passages to comfort us during specific events, you sent gas cards and gift certificates, you drove in nearly impassable road conditions to the hospital and then when you got there could not find a place to park, you brought CD's for Aaron to listen to, you sent boxes and boxes of fresh fruit, breakfast food, meat and cheese snacks, you offered to cook, clean, babysit, drive, cut hair, you made toasts to him and prayed at your wedding, you brought food to feed us, you shared stories about how Aaron touched your lives, you called, you listened and most of all you prayed and prayed and prayed.
Now that Aaron has gone home you continue to uphold him in pray, inquire about his well being, bring them food, visit him, call with encouragement and continue to check in here. We want you all to know that every gesture had been and is so important to us and that we thank you with every fiber of our being and we pray that each of you knows how much you all mean to us.
Aaron & Angie are home with the children. They spent yesterday going to the eye Doctor and their regular Doctor. Angie has been very busy taking care of every one and Aaron is working hard on his recovery. His eyes have been hurting and are very watery so hopefully his new eye Doctor was able to help them out with that. It will take some time for Aaron to get his strength back but he looks amazing especially for what he has been through. He lost about 45 pounds and little Erin and Sue, two of his great nurses, gave him a buzz hair cut which makes him look different but his skin looks really good. He has some dry patches but other than that it looks completely normal and fresh.
Aaron is still so amazed at the out pouring of encouragement that has come his way. We tried the best we could to record it so that when he was able he could know how much all of you meant to his recovery and how well you all ministered to his family at our time of need. He thanks you and we thank you and will never forget every thing you all have done for all of us. We ask that God bless you and keep you in the palm of his hand.
The picture above is of our home office that yesterday I wallpapered, so to speak, with pictures that were in storage in the basement. It has been our intention to get new furniture in here and paint the walls so this room has been empty since before Christmas. Well, yesterday I finally felt good after the cold I've had for a while now, so I moved the furniture that was all over the house back in here, brought up the Turkish rug that Mom & Dad brought me from a trip many years ago and started hanging pictures. I'll write more about it tomorrow as I get back to the more mundane but no less important aspects of Life At Home.
Sue, Aaron and family