Good morning Ladies. I so wish I could pick a stem or two for each and every one of you so you could smell how lovely these Stargazer Lily's are.

When I opened the front door today their gentle fragrance filled the air and I knew they must be in bloom.

They are not as plentiful as years past and a few weeds that need to be plucked but glorious just the same.

Here they are nestled up to this little
Hydrangea tree that is about to bloom.

Wow, this white Hydrangea is huge and covers most of the west side fence. These will make pretty arrangements for the two blue and white vases that have been empty in the dining room on the side board.

Oh look, the Rose of Sharon hedge is starting to bloom too.

These gigantic
Hibiscus shrubs are so big and put on a nice show from the kitchen window but they fade fast and the dropped
blossoms make the biggest mess.

They are pretty though, don't you think? Pretty things always seem to get away with making a few messes.

Looks like we will have fresh tomatoes this weekend for Aaron and the kids when they get here tomorrow.
No word yet on any change in Mom's condition. We so appreciate your prayers. I will let you know when I hear more.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a minute to leave a comment so I can come visit you too.