Good morning ladies. How was your weekend? I hope you are all safe and warm and surrounded by the ones you love as you as you make your way through this last week before Christmas.
Above is my tiny pink living room. Since this room is already pretty well filled with goodies that endlessly sooth my soul I only added a couple of Christmas touches. The stag needlepoint pillows have replaced the cabbage rose ones for the winter.

An old cut glass bowl with simple sparkly pink ornaments in it on my mother's end table in the corner finishes off my favorite room in the house.

This old, rag tag bough, with some left over pink ornaments from the dining room tree, fit on the
banister that leads upstairs from that room. It is lit with white lights that must make an unusual site from the street. The opposite
banister has colored lights and red ribbon on it. I know it sounds weird, but with Christmas magic, and from the entrance it amazingly works. Well it works from the inside anyway,

You saw how many
gran's we had here last weekend in the last post. This is the table I had set up for them in the foyer. It worked out well for them to do crafts on while the adults socialized in the back of the house. Come to think about it, I don't think they ever did get around to making the ginger bread house from the kit that was waiting for them. Oh well, I will take it up north with us when we go on Thursday and they can work on it an Mom's.

We did a fun thing this year that I will show you tomorrow. Today let's see the upstairs before I added the
surprises that awaited our guests.

Our room got a good going over so our youngest son could have a place to store his things. We made up a bed for him on the sofa so our room was his place to
stow his bedding, clothing and the like.

Our bathroom is action central when the girls start primping. They love to get into my makeup and jewelry. Last Saturday when we were getting ready for our big dinner party on Saturday night the hair, jewelry and eye-lashes were flying.

Just thought you might like to see my new pink and white monogrammed towels. John wanted to know where his towels were. I told him that upstairs linens are only monogrammed in the lady of the houses initials according to Emily Post. Bless his heart, he laughed and resigned himself to using his soft old green towels.

Come on in. I will show you around the guest-rooms that are ready for company. This is the Currier & Ives room. These C & I prints of the four seasons hang on one wall under this old plate shelf that holds red C & I
transfer ware plates and a platter.

A C & I lamp shade tops the green glass bedside lamp.

The bathroom between two of the guest-rooms is
freshend up for company.

Fluffy clean towels await their arrival.

A small sample of my collection of rose plates stand ready over the light fixture to welcome them home.

Even the waste basket got a bath in anticipation of their arrival.

The blue and white room with its diamond shaped checkered old quilt and matching pillow shams on the feather bed covered with a scalloped white spread is clean as a whistle.

One of these days I will get around to painting this chair white. The fabric on it matches the curtains that are stashed in the closet from our old house that need to be refitted to cover the windows in this room.

These are the windows that they will eventually cover;)

OK, moving down the hall to the last guest-room.

The hunt room.

This needle point chair is waiting to be piled with clothes.

The ancestor pictures hold
sentry over the bed.

This little corner of the laundry room cheered me while the washer and dryer was buzzing.
I hope you enjoyed this visit and the tour of our guest-rooms. If you are hosting guests this Christmas at your house you might like to see what Miss Emily Post has to say in her book, The Personality Of A House, about The Guest-Room Of Perfection:
"The essential requirements of comfort for every guest-room of perfection, whether it be in a palace or in a little but well appointed house, include:
1. A bathroom of its own.
2. A delightful bed.
3. Plenty of light and air.
4. Choice of pillows.
5. A perfect dressing-table.
6. A good light to read by in bed.
7. Heat in cold weather.
8. Cross-ventilation in hot weather.
9. A sofa to rest on.
10. Situation as free from noise as possible."
Her book, first published in 1939, is one of my favorites.
Stop back tomorrow if you get a minute during this busy week to see the surprises that we had for the family when they got here last Friday and we will take a look at the downstairs all decked out for Christmas.
Blessings and much love,