Porch season has finally arrived here in Michigan.

The morning pool skimming, flower watering, and flowering plant feeding is in full swing. My back door chaise lounge is beckoning me to get out there for some PTH (peak tanning hours) tan time.

John wanted a rainbow of flowers this year with nothing hanging down to get in the way of his constant grooming of said porch so I complied and picked out sun loving plants in a rainbow of colors for him to plant....Roy G. Biv (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet and indigo) kept running through my head as we cruised the rows of blooms at the nursery.

With the morning chores out of the way it is time for a Friday mani & pedi, a couple of hours of sun, wardrobe change, hair and makeup then out to dinner with friends on our other favorite porch at Brio, a show, then music in the town center.
Tomorrow morning trips all over the neighborhood markets for fresh produce and fodder for the grill for the family and friends that will be joining us to celebrate the Memorial Day holiday weekend that we observer here in the US to honor our Veterans.