Saturday, February 02, 2008

Glory To God

All glory and honor is yours dear Heavenly Father. Yesterday was the first day I was able to ask Aaron if he wanted me to pray with him and he nodded yes. What a blessed time it was praying with my son again.
The sacrifice that God made for us so that we might have salvation fills me with so much trembeling that it is almost inconceivable. When you go through something like this so much of God's word becomes even more visable. We have no answers to why some things happen to some and not others nor do we know the out come of our trials. The only thing we have is the promise of God to be with us through it all if we have faith. He tells us in His word that it only takes the faith of a mustard seed and at times that is all I've had but it is enough for today and for that I praise Him.
When we first got to the hospital Aaron didn't have any glasses with him because they were broke. He usually wears contacts but with his worsening condition couldn't wear them so we asked Dad to see if he could get him a pair from Walmart, where they had his prescription on file, so he did and brought them down to us. Yesterday he put those glasses to use and was sitting up in bed watching the tiny TV that is on a swing arm near his bed.
Last weekend some of us watched Doug LaBelle ll in the golf tournament. Today, God willing, at 3:00pm on CBS Aaron will be watching him too. Go Douggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sue,
    I've been out of pocket for a few days but Aaron has been in my prayers and I'm so happy to read of his progress.....God is good.....

    Blessings for a restful and peaceful weekend....Betty

  2. Every step of progress is so wonderful to hear! Not a day goes by that I don't have someone ask me about Aaron and his progress! He is loved!!!
    "The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you and give you peace."
    Love - Sheryl


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