Friday, January 18, 2008

Only By His Grace

Yesterday was a bit trying. Aaron's heart rate was up to a little over 140 and he was running a fever. Angie asked his nurse if he could get worse and she said yes, they have to be vigilant about keeping the wounds from infection and they are watching his lungs very carefully and of course his eyes are still very fragile.

After they said he had apparently reached his peak we took a sigh of relief but we still have a long way to go. We were warned of this but it is still very hard to consider. In Dana's Mom's group they discussed praying for specifics so we are asking you to pray specifically for his wounds to heal, his lungs to clear up and protection for his eyes. We also ask you to pray for strength and good health for us.

Today we have reinforcements coming in and we are truly grateful for that. Dana, Doug and Blake will be here some time today, it is Doug's birthday so we hope to be able to get out to celebrate tonight with a nice dinner in a restaurant. Kyle and his troops will be here early today too. He has 'the guys' coming in from all over the country. Aunt Donna will be here from the UP today or tomorrow.

The Guy's are Aaron and Kyle's fraternity and high school buddies and their cards, letters and packages have started coming in. Their humor did lighten the mood of the somber hospital room yesterday and for that I am so grateful. Trent's package caused quite a commotion, I did see it and I forgive you ;).

Angie would like to get up north to see the kids sometime this weekend but I know it will be hard for her to leave. She has been at Aaron's side from morning to night through all of this. Please pray for her strength and for the little ones who are really missing their Mom & Dad.

I want to thank Vince and Nadine who sent us enough food to last us all week. Thank you so much for the weeks worth of groceries. We just finished off all the delicious desserts and are still eating the Honey Baked Ham that you so kindly brought.

I can't remember if I thanked Ryan and Vanessa earlier for all the food they brought by earlier in the week, but if I didn't, please except our gratitude and appreciation. We have been well taken care of by the people who are near us with food and prayers and by phone calls, prayers and messages from people who are far away that have fed our souls.

So many have offered assistance in so much and we appreciate every offer and want you all to know that we are fine, by the grace of God, and will not hesitate to ask if and when a need arises.

My rock, my husband John, is in Colorado with Bernie, Cathy and the kids and I miss him terribly. We had both planned to visit them this week but with Aaron's illness we didn't feel like it would be possible but when we heard that Aaron may have reached his peak we decided that he would still go. John, the nurses and I miss you very much but I am glad that you are able to see the Grand's and I send all of you my love. John is an early bird so first thing every morning he would be out the door and by Aaron's side so the rest of us could get a shower and eat something. He takes baked goods to the nurses like a good Italian does and makes sure everyone if fed at all times. I miss you and look forward to your return on Sunday and rest assured that we will not starve.

Thank you and may God's grace be upon you,
Sue and family

The above picture is from the blog


  1. Sue,
    My prayers continue for healing and strength. Stay strong, and know that he is in God's healing hands. I have a girlfriend who is very close to God. I will ask for her prayers.

  2. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Thank you so very much for keeping us updated. We will continue to keep Aaron in our daily prayers, praying for the specifics, and looking forward to his full recovery. The power of prayer is simply amazing. God has a plan and often works in mysterious ways. Trust in Him. Please let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do to help!
    All our love,
    Craig, Lisa, Jacob & Zac Roach

  3. Anonymous8:19 AM

    My name is Liz and I work with Angie at Delfield. Her email gets forwarded to me, and I have received some encouraging words I want to share..This is from Lisa Roach:

    Angie & Aaron-
    Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and praying for you everyday. The other night I couldn't sleep from 3-430 & thought, ok, maybe God woke me up because Aaron needed some more prayers. I couldn't very well tell God "No,"so I took advantage of the time to pray - hope it helped : - )
    If there is anyting we can do, let us know. (Although, it sounds like you have all of your bases covered.)
    I'm so glad to hear the peak has been reached. Now, it's time to get better & live happily ever after.
    Keep your faith!
    Love ya,

  4. Angie...I am so sorry that you are going through this!! And I want you to know that all of us here are praying for Aaron, You, and the Kids!! If you need ANYTHING....anything at all, please don't hesitate to call me. I have a very flexible work schedule and can leave work at any time! My cell number is (616) 633-1733. And just know that your "Sisters" are here for you! We love you very much!
    For Aaron and Angie's families...please know that you are in my prayers as well. Trust in God with all your might. And remember..."If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it."

    All My Love,

  5. Hi Sue,

    I found you through Classic Charm by Rose. I'll be standing in agreement with you for healing and strength.

    Hugs to you,

  6. Sue,

    I am now reading updates daily as your blog has been passed on to me from Nel Boose(Shirley). I, along with many of my friends, are praying for Aarons' health and your strength daily. Please let me know if there is anything you need as I live in the Detroit area.

    Best to your family,

    Allison Mitchell (Lindley)

  7. My prayers will be lift by for Aaron...

    "Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend. Not that it is necessary in order to make known to God what we are, but in order to enable us to receive Him. Prayer does not bring God down to us, but brings us up to Him." (E.G. white)



  8. Anonymous8:24 PM


    Your "work family" is praying for Aaron, you and your families. We miss you and hope you feel our love and support while you are away from us.

    Stay strong - remember, it only takes one phone call if you need anything.


  9. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Hi Sue, you have truly wonderful support there and that is so very important. We continue to pray for Aaron and strength for you. Jenn and Jacqui


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