Our new computer is hooked up now. Even with my gratitude for having this bright new shinny beauty my frustration level is at a ten.................So many new things to learn so please excuse the mess around here while we work out the kinks and get things up and running. This moments frustration is trying to go back into the text to punctuate and getting two crossed lines on the prompt instead of a straight line to let me type.
Enough boring technical gab. On the the good stuff. Enjoy the photo above, that was supposed to be On to the good stuff............ This is Mom & Dad's front door. Their house was built in 1935. They are the third family to inhabit this pretty English Cottage which is more than likely where I get my fondness for the style and my romantic personality.
Back in 1956 when Mom & Dad made the trek 30 miles west to open a new branch of the family business, not exactly pioneers but it seemed like a long way from home at the time, Dad made Mom a promise. That promise was that one day he would buy her the pretty cottage above. Long story short, many years later he did. After years in a Chicken Coop, an apartment and a sweet little colonial he made good on his word.
How beautiful!...I would love to see the inside. Lucky mom!