Monday, June 04, 2007

Blue Iris

Saturday we had a flash rain storm blow through here in southeast Michigan. I hope my southern friends got some of this rain, they need it much more than we did. Anyway, the rain made a mess of the garden. I went out this morning and cut these iris that were bent over on the ground and cleaned them up as best I could. When I came inside I plunked them into this pretty vase, planning to arrange them later, but decided that they were kind of pretty just the way they are. Not perfect, but what is? They really brighten up this corner of the kitchen. Thanks for stopping by and leave a comment if you will. I enjoy hearing from you and it reminds me to visit your blog. One of these day's I'll put links in my sidebar.


  1. Hi Sue, did'nt get a chance to do any baking this weekend...I've been sick the entire weekend with the worst cold!...I'm starting to feel a little better but have a nasty cough...maybe next weekend. I love the picture of your Iris's...send some of that rain our way, we desperately need it out here in california. :( Toni

  2. Ah, sorry to hear you weren't feeling well. I wish it was in my power to send rain to all the dry areas around the country. We have had enough here now for sure. Glad you are starting to feel a little better. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Those irises do look beautiful just the way they are.

  4. I can't believe the rain we are getting, Northern IN here. Yikes we needed rain but enough is enough for now. My flowers want the sunshine.

  5. OOps, not quite finished responding. Thanks DebraK and Trudi m. Love both your blogs.


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